lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Eclectic Wicca

Eclectic Wiccans are more often than not solitary practitioners. Some of these solitaries do, however, attend gatherings and other community events, but reserve their spiritual practices (Sabbats, Esbats, spell-casting, worship, magical work, etc.) for when they are alone. Eclectic Wicca is the most popular variety of Wicca in America[82] and eclectic Wiccans now significantly outnumber lineaged Wiccans; their beliefs and practices tend to be much more varied.[83] Eclectic Wiccans do not following a single tradition exclusively, each creates their ownsyncretic spiritual path by adopting, reclaiming, and reinventing the beliefs and rituals of a variety of religious traditions connected to Wicca, paganism or neo-Paganism. An eclectic can be described as free of tradition, even while eclecticism is described as a tradition of Wicca. An eclectic might also be a follower of a particular religious or philosophical path, and yet develop individual ideas and ritual practices based on diverse sources. An eclectic approach to Wicca may draw from a diverse range of ancient and modern beliefs or practices, for example:ancient EgyptianGreekAsianHebrewSaxonAnglo-SaxonPolynesian or Celtic.[84] Eclectic Wicca is a positive, peaceful, earth-centred religion, with a core ideology informed by those values and beliefs which are common to many Wiccan, pagan, polytheistic,[85] shamanic,Hawaiian,[86] or Polynesian religious traditions. Eclecticism may also reflect theories derived from psychology and philosophy, for example,self-actualizationJungian archetypes[87] and karma.

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